If there is one thing that I have learned about working from home, is that I day is not scheduled by what time I go to work. It is when or when feel like working. What I mean is some days I just don't have any get up and go. Some days are just to busy with other things. I just can't get anything done. When time is short I dont even try to do any worn from home. I would only half ass it and tell myself it will work. Like this blog. I have not put up a post on months. Not that I don't want to,just other priorities come first.
Working from my new home office. Forgot to mention over the summer I got married and bought a new house. The office took up more time than it should have and more money. Anyway, time is your biggest issue when working from home. Everyone thinks you are off because you are at home,but you are actually working. They just don't get it. For me the way I save time is to get up around five in the morning and knock out a few post,before the rest of them get up. Don't tell my wife but I usually go back to bed after she leaves for work. For a short nap.
You need to look for ways you to maximize as much time for your online world as possible.
Here are a few ways I get things done.
1. Use my iPhone everywhere I go.
2. Let my wife drive,even for trips to town.
3. Write a quick post before going to bed. While in bed.
4. Take notes for new ideas.
5. Get an dictation app
You could do work while at work.
Working from home can be a very rewarding experience for you and your family. Just don't give up. You will get there someday
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